My good buddy Elizabeth Miller Brand (co-mom-in-waiting-during-kids'-capoiera-class), introduced me to these three books yesterday. Obviously, it was one of those little moments that make my day! Elizabeth, who is a wonderfully well cultured and worldly home-schooling mom of 3, takes these everywhere she goes with her kids, in a little red suitcase, along with the handmade cloth dolls and balls she sews with her kids. These books, from the Indestructible series, are made of that special paper that does not rip or get wet and are super light weight. In other words, they are PERFECT for the little ones!
Thank you Jonas Sickler, for the simple and gorgeous visual alternatives to the stories we already know. No words necessary. Just different perspectives. What else can we ask for?
Humpty is now from China, and kids get to see the beautiful fabrics and dress styles from the east.
Mary is now a little girl in Africa, with super cute visuals of her village and customs.Thumbs up on my diversity ratings!